I have been working on some 35mm Poppit work for the past few weeks and yesterday I visited Poppit with just the 35mm and no Hasselblad - for the first time. It was a strange experience. After going to Poppit for nearly two and a half years with a big camera bag, tripod, flashguns and all sorts of other bits and pieces the feeling of striding out onto the beach with just a single 35mm camera kind of made me feel, well, a bit naked.
The shooting was odd too - I had taken a whole roll within 5 minutes and I felt quite drained. A totally different experience from the intense observing and documenting that happens with the medium format.
I am developing the film today - we'll see what happens.
I have also been planning the trip to Copenhagen for an exhibition opening. I'll be missing Hong Kong and New York - but I'll be there for the London opening for sure.
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